Saturday, July 10, 2021

Lesson Planning in Teaching of Mathematics





1.        Generally there is no accepted format for designing a lesson plan. The sequence, number of elements and amount of detail that go into a lesson plan vary considerably.

2.        Many school districts require teachers to use a short form lesson plan that outlines each day’s lesson for one week on a single sheet of paper.

3.        The short form gives only a sketch of what will occur during each lesson plan.

4.        An intermediate form of lesson plan incorporates more detail than the short form. This form is usually one page in length.

5.        Long form lesson plan describes in detail everything that will take place during the lesson. It includes the handouts, worksheets, tests and so on.

6.        Mostly long form of lesson plan is used to analyze and reflect on the potential effectiveness of an instructional plan.

7.        A long form is very useful for teachers who wish to develop and teach exemplary science lesson.


Quality Lesson Plan

There are 10 Steps to Develop a Quality Lesson Plan

First Step

What do you want to teach the students?

  1. It should be develop on the state (or school) standard
  2. Keeping the grade, level, or course of the students
  3. Making good time management
  4. Good arrangement of activities to be written in alignment
  5. Links or records should be written for correlation of the topic with the standards   of the school
  6. Properly reflection of your topic if it is to be launched on Web sites


Second Step

  1. Assurance of lesson plan to teach exactly
  2. Develop clear and specific objectives
  3. Objectives should not be the activities in the lesson plan
  4. For an example, if you want to teach your class how to add  2 + 3, your objective may be that "the students will know how to add 2 + 3" or more specifically "the   students will demonstrate how to add 2 + 3."
  5. You may include more than one objective in a lesson plan
  6. To make objectives more meaningful, you may want to include both broad and    narrow objectives
  7. The broad objectives would be more like goals and include the overall goal of the lesson plan, i.e. to gain familiarity with adding two numbers together
  8. The specific objectives would be more like the one listed above, i.e. "the students will demonstrate how to add the numbers 2 and 3 together."

3rd Step

  1. Find out exactly what materials you are going to use   later
  2. Show early in your lesson plan (only in lesson plan)
  3. If someone else were going to use your lesson plan, they would know in advance what materials are required
  4. Be specific here to make sure the teacher will have everything they need
  5. Additional material should be arranged in the class that is related to the topic


4th Step


  1. Write an Anticipatory (defensive) Set, which would be a  way to lead into the        lesson plan and develop the students' interest in learning what is about to be    taught
  2. Put some examples related to the daily life
  3. To teach fraction we can ask question by putting an    interesting example to the students like, “How can we divide a Pizza into five friends equally?”


5th Step

Ø  Write step-by-step procedures to achieve objectives

Ø  List the relevant actions the teacher needs to perform

Ø  For example in the addition of two numbers a teacher             may have following             procedure


A. The teacher will give each child 2 Pen.



B. The teacher will ask the students to write down how many Pen they have on paper (2).

C. The students should then write a + sign below the number 2, like this:


D. The teacher will then pass out 3 more Pen to each student.




E. The students will be asked to write down how many Pen they were just given. They should write this number below the number 2 that they just wrote, so that it looks like this:



F.   Students should now draw a line under their 3.


+ 3







+ 3


G. Now the students should count how many Pen they have together and write this number just below the 3, like this:



H. Ask students how many Pen they had to start, how    many they were given to add to that, and how many they had total after the teacher gave them the 3 Pen.


6th Step

Ø  Provide time for independent practice


7th Step

Ø  Assessment stage

Ø  Ask some questions to memorize the facts which are delivered in the lesson

Ø  Try to direct the students on that example which they have studied earlier,            simply go on previous slide or picture etc

8th Step

Ø  Do some assessment/Evaluation of your lesson

Ø  Most of the lessons do not require assessment but it is           necessary whether objectives have attained or not

Ø  Provide direct correlation between objectives and assessment as teacher provided material as pen or pencil to add different numbers

9th Step

Ø  Adapt different methods for different students due to   individual differences

Ø  Give problem to add 1+1 to discarded students and give         9+12 to specific or    intelligent students

10th Step

Ø  Include connection section

Ø  Briefly explain connection of that subject or topic to the other subjects

Ø  As say to the students to pain 2 apples and 3 apples on different paper, it improves skill of Art

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 CLICK HERE about the notes of Measurement & Evaluation

CLICK HERE to write best Lesson Plans

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